南投 客運 2699. 南投汽車客運股份有限公司(英語:nantou bus transportation co.,ltd.),簡稱南投客運或投客,是一家主要業務為臺灣埔里周邊地區公路客運的企業,兼行駛南投縣市區公車。 1951年(民國40年)-前身山民汽車客運公司創立,專為埔里山區民眾提供交通服務。 Busses from taichung train station (台中車站), leaving approximately once per half hour, ticket price nt$132.

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The bus routes in taichung includes city bus lines belonging to transportation bureau, taichung city government and highway bus lines belonging to directorate general of highways, motc. 南投風景區即時影像 apk content rating is unrated and can be downloaded and installed on android devices supporting 8 api and above. 359 ziyaretçi 南投客運 台中站 nantou bus transportation ziyaretçisinden 33 fotoğraf ve 2 tavsiye gör.

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