南投 天時 地利 人和. Search for text in url. Why they combine 天 with 時, i guess, is just a matter of culture.

南投水里】信義台16線雙龍部落巡禮嘻遊記 - 天生寶家族
南投水里】信義台16線雙龍部落巡禮嘻遊記 – 天生寶家族 from images.zi.org.tw

If everything goes according to plan; Actually it's not the 天 that matters, but the 時 to simplify it, you could say 時,地,人. people will understand it. Suggest as a translation of 天時地利人和 copy

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名站推薦 tips:2021年6月8日 更新失效連結 total 13 ». Suggest as a translation of 天時地利人和 copy Ancient chinese believed in the sky and honored it as 老天爺, equivalent to the god in western culture. Actually it's not the 天 that matters, but the 時 to simplify it, you could say 時,地,人. people will understand it.